Friday, April 3, 2009

Final weigh-in from original 40 days

Yesterday morning I did my final weigh-in for my 40 day experiment, but didn’t have time to write about it.  So this is a late update.  Although I had some rough patches and didn’t do everything that I wanted to do (regular and consistent enemas, regular and consistent exercise, dry brushing, consuming more veggies than fruits), I am proud of myself for making a conscience effort to improve my health.  One thing that has become clear is that I must work less on my weight and work more on the issues that contribute to my unhealthy eating, and to develop proper coping techniques for those troubling issues that contribute to using food in an unhealthy manner.  I could blame the food industry for the rampant availability of unhealthy food products, I can blame my parents for failing to instill in me healthy eating habits as a youth, but at the end of the day, I’m responsible for me and my health and we all have power over what we place into our mouths. 

My Day 41 weight was 298.6 which is actually higher than my last weigh-in, and brings my total weight loss over those past 40 days to 24.8 lbs.  I attribute the weight gain at the end to the massive quantity of salt (and corresponding lack of water) that I consumed over the past week. Ummm.  Lays.  Looking at my transition eating habits, I consumed only a fraction of what I have eaten when not doing the program, and I feel confident that what appeared to be a weight gain was in fact water retention and perhaps even a small amount of bloating due to menstruation.  As I look forward to my new regime that I plan to start April 4th, and that is outlined in Day 40, I plan to focus more on how I will reprogram my thinking and behavior so that I don’t rely on old habits, using food as a crutch.

My goal is to lose 12 pounds in the next 30 days.  Losing 2 pounds a week is normal for weight loss, and since the average person isn’t attempting to lose as much weight as I am, I think 12 pounds in thirty days is a reasonable goal and not too drastic.  Saturday begins Day one.  I will have a weigh-in on day 16 (the half way point) and day 31 as a final report, but no weigh-ins in between.  This way, I can spend more of my effort focusing on healthy eating and changing behavioral patterns, and not on what the number on the scale reads.  More later…

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