Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Life: The Battle of the Bulge…well, not really…323.4 Pounds today

I’ve been overweight since third grade, when I remember weighing one hundred pounds.  You often hear stories of how fat kids are teased, but I was never picked upon because of my weight.  In fact, I was popular, well liked, and was president of my senior class in high school.  While my siblings were slightly overweight, I was (and still am) the only morbidly obese of my siblings.  Neither of my parents pressured nor shamed me into dieting.  The majority of my closest friends are in the average to petite range in size, and because I’m neither jealous nor competitive with my friends, I don’t feel threatened or envious of them in any way.  Additionally, I’m not one of those fat chicks who hate or berate thin chicks.

I grew up in a home where I consumed a horrible diet filled with high calorie, high fat, high sugar, and nutritionally void food products.  Additionally, I’m an emotional eater who uses food to cope with stress.  My poor eating habits followed me into adulthood.  I’ve halfheartedly attempted a few fad diets with limited success:  Atkins, Medifast, Slimfast, even Phen Phen (for a week), but always gained the weight back.

 I labeled my post “The Battle of the Bulge…well, not really” because in all honestly, I never really gave weight loss a 110% commitment, but for a variety of reasons, that has changed.  As I continue to post commentary about my journey, I’ll divulge more about my mental state, thoughts, and general reflections.  This is enough for an introduction…

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