Thursday, March 19, 2009

Days 24 - 27

All is semi-well on the juicing front. Well as in no more pizzacapades; however, I still haven’t juiced nearly as much as I should have, and I’ve been drinking WAY too much Arizona Ice Tea and store bought juice. I’ve had some sinus related migraine issues (and related irritation) and haven’t been consuming nearly as much juice as I should have. On Monday I had orange juice for breakfast and for lunch- Liver Mover using three beets and 6 apples. I can’t remember if I juiced anything for dinner. I probably didn’t as I was waylaid with migraine issues on both Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday, I juiced apples and kiwis for breakfast (yes, I know it’s not good to juice citrus and non citrus) and I juiced parsley and carrots for lunch, but I didn’t get around to drinking it until Wednesday morning. The juice tasted terrible! I’d had this particular juice before and it was great. I think the parsley wasn’t good. It had been sitting in the fridge for a while, but it was still green, so I thought it would be okay. Apparently not. So I was stuck with no juice at work on Wednesday, ending up consuming four cans of Arizona Ice Tea. Yes, I know, horrible, terrible, lame. But it’s better then eating pizza.

This morning, I’m having store bought orange juice and 2 cans of Arizona Ice Tea. Still pretty horrible, but I’m going to get with the program soon. I’ve just been super busy with work, and I look forward to replenishing this weekend. More later…

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