Monday, February 23, 2009

Day Three Weigh-in: 316.0

I would categorize today as a good day. I was probably operating at about 85% of my normal energy level. No headache nor hunger today. I was able to fend of temptation rather well- though it was challenging. My desk is near the office candy bowl. And each time I passed by, I would gaze at it longingly. One day, I will be able to look at it and not desire to eat any of its contents. One day. At a morning meeting, I was offered chocolate. During lunch, a coworker offered me a portion of a sandwich. Also during lunch, it smelled like someone was warming up pizza in the microwave. The power of scent is astounding.

I continue to crave sugar, so I drank more fruit than veggie juice today. I know I should be better with the veggies, but it is what it is. For breakfast and my snack I juiced 1 grapefruit and 4 oranges. Grapefruit are on sale, 3 for $1 until Wednesday. I think I’ll buy more tomorrow. As I worked through my lunch hour, I had Cruciferous Surprise, and added a third apple to the recipe. For dinner, I juiced 1 grapefruit and 4 oranges. I drank half the juice and I’ll probably finish it off tonight. My mini goal for tomorrow: consume more veggies than fruit.

I should also be doing enemas and dry brushing. Yeah, I’ll get around to it…perhaps.

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