Thursday, February 26, 2009

Days 5 & 6

Day Five went pretty well. I drank Potassium Power all day- which is great because veggie juice is better than fruit juice because fruit juice has a lot of sugar.

Day Six is going well too. I had a really fun juice concoction all day- a bunch of spinach, one bag of green grapes, and three apples. This particular juice was too sweet (and I like sweet things), so I mixed it with an equal amount of water and it was still sweet enough to taste like a fun sugary drink. I think next time, I’ll use half a bag of grapes. My energy levels are pretty good. I’m probably operating at 90%. But I don’t think I’ve been tired because of the detox, I think it’s related to PMS- as I often feel tired when it’s close to that time of the month. But, I can say that I’m definitely not as moody as I usually am around this time of the month and I haven’t experienced any PMS related pain and cramping- which is extremely rare for me. Something about the power of juicing…

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