Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 21

So I’ve officially passed the half way point in my regiment and have been juice feasting for 20 complete days.  I started my juice feast weighing 323.4 lbs.  As of this morning, I weigh 302.0 Ibs, and have lost 21.4 pounds.  Of course this is fantastic, but it’s also been a little frustrating.  I’ve actually weighed 302 Ibs for the last seven days.  One would think that in the course of 7 days, that someone of my size who is consuming considerably fewer calories than normal would by default lose at least a pound or two over the course of seven days, which is actually a healthy weight loss.

I remember doing Atkins, and I think I’ve noticed a pattern.  Whenever I make any drastic dietary change, I lose a lot of weight in the beginning, and then around the three week mark, my weight loss completely stops for a week or two.  That’s usually the time when I’ve traditionally given up.  Well, this time, I won’t give up.  I have nineteen days left after today, and I will persevere!  In an effort to not become discouraged, I have decided that I won’t do any weigh-ins (even unofficial weigh-ins) until day 31 and day 41.  I have ten days until my next weigh-in and I hope to lose at least 3 Ibs- which I believe is definitely a reasonable expectation.  One pound at a time.

 My energy levels are fantastic.  I have a feeling that if I consume more veggies that I would feel even better.  I have experienced some sinus agitation and some related migraine issues, but it hasn’t been as bad as it usually is.  I’m actually quite excited to be beginning my exercise regiment, but I want to have my protein powder on hand before I start, and I also hope to have a more solid calcium routine down.

 I’m sure many of you are wondering what kind of supplements I’ve consuming.  The only supplement I take with any normalcy is Vitamin C in the powder form, and I have even been slacking on that.  I take no over the counter medication.

This morning I juiced apples and cucumber.  Yum.  My only criticism of this specific drink is that the apples make it very gritty, and I don’t particularly care for grit and foam.  More later…

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